The Legorreta Cancer Center is changing the prognosis for research and treatment in Rhode Island.
The Legorreta Cancer Center is changing the prognosis for research and treatment in Rhode Island.
Every PLME’s “mom on campus” talks about her 50 years at Brown, the evolution of medical education, and what the…
An alum takes over a large safety-net hospital just as the world falls apart.
A new lab provides quality checks for medicinal cannabis.
I Kissed Clinical Medicine Goodbye: A Guide for Physicians Who Want to Pivot to a Non-Clinical Career
A new cookbook makes your abuelita’s favorite recipes healthier.
Start-up at once addresses health equity and pharmaceutical waste.
A new research center will examine the long term consequences of early childhood trauma.
How do we treat patients with long COVID?
For some veterans, peace, in mind and body, remains elusive long after the war is over.
Courtney Lane Bass RES’09, MD, 41, died August 27, 2021, after a lengthy battle with cancer. Dr. Bass was born…
Wars end, but they never truly go away.
New Beginnings…
As vaccine disparities persist, two projects try to reach the most vulnerable.
Over years of research, the lab of Jack A. Elias, MD, the dean of medicine and biological sciences, has shown…
Meet the Medical School’s chief wellness officer.