Anatomy Lab, Biomed Center
No one can leave Brown without eating, or at least learning how to pronounce correctly, Rhode Island’s official state shell. Ris for Ruth Sauber
The School’s founding medical student affairs officer began her work on behalf of med students when academic medicine was just beginning to take on tangible form at Brown. Variously dubbed by the deans of medicine who worked with her as medicine’s godmother, guardian angel, and miracle worker, Sauber devoted 23 years of cheerful and effective service to building the medical program in whatever ways were required from moment to moment and year to year. The annual Ruth Sauber Distinguished Alumni Lecture memorializes her by bringing alumni speakers back to campus to engage once again with faculty, students, and fellow graduates. Sis for Standard Admission
Prior to 2005, only students who enrolled through the Program in Liberal Medical Education or special linkage programs were admitted to the Medical School. Graduates of the University who were not in the PLME could apply through the Brown Avenue after receiving their degree. Tis for Tougaloo College
The HBCU in Jackson, MS, has partnered with the Medical School since 1976 to identify sophomores for early acceptance. The pathway furthers Brown’s commitment to increase the number of physicians from backgrounds underrepresented in medicine. Uis for Underground
The anatomy lab and classrooms were on the subterranean levels of the BioMed Center. You haven’t lived until you’ve experienced a late-afternoon seminar in the airless, windowless confines of Room B-12. “The students decorated it, put rugs on the walls as well as the floor, hung empty window frames and pasted seasonal pictures behind them,” Dean Aronson would recall.