Purple Palace, BioMed Center
The medical student talent show was started in the early 2000s. Parody videos, bhangra, acoustic sets—you never know what to expect but you can be sure it won’t be on the exam. Mis for MD2000
This competency-based model was designed to build and assess students’ mastery of nine core abilities and a knowledge base considered essential for physicians in the practice of medicine. MD2000 was developed, with the cooperation of hundreds of Brown faculty and students, in an intensive planning process led by former Associate Dean for Medical Education Stephen Smith, MD, MPH, professor (now emeritus) of family medicine, and funded in part by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Nis for Names
The medical school tried on many monikers in its first five decades: Program in Medicine (1972-1991), Brown University School of Medicine (1991-2000), Brown Medical School (2000-2007), and finally, since 2007, The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University. That’s got to be some kind of record. Ois for Opioid Curriculum Innovations
In response to the drug overdose crisis, faculty developed a new curriculum to teach medical students about substance use and its treatment that earned an AAMC Curricular Innovation Award in 2018 and has been shared with other medical schools across the US. The following year, the Medical School became the first in the country whose graduates all have the training required to prescribe medications to treat opioid use disorder in any state. Pis for Purple Palace
The BioMed Center auditorium where medical lectures were presented boasted walls and floors (and fixed chairs) that only Prince would love.