A magazine for friends of the Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University.

Hidden Talents


An exhibit reveals the artistry of med students.

Two years ago, when Sam Klein MD’16 and Nick Nassikas MD’15 were feeling out an idea for an art exhibit at the Alpert Medical School building, they learned they weren’t the only ones yearning for more inspiration from the space they call their intellectual home.

“We sent out a couple of surveys,” Klein says. “The overwhelming response is the student body wanted to see a little more art in the building. We spend so much time here. They wanted it to serve as an inspiration, maybe a time for reflection and maybe just a break from what they are doing. We are fortunate to have the School administration’s full support of our initiative.”

The School has since hosted a few other exhibitions, but the one Klein and Nassikas spearheaded with Ali Rae MD’17 is the first to feature the work of medical students (and a few staff members).

“If you look at any cross section of the med school students, they really are an eclectic, creative, incredibly talented group of people,” Klein says.

The Visual Arts Exhibition is organized along three themes: “Gravity and Weightlessness,” “Potential Spaces,” and “Breakdown.” Each evokes medical ideas, Klein says, such as the emotional weight—or lightening—of delivering test results to patients, the structures and chasms within the body, and the fact that the body can fail.

A council of a dozen students juried the works, which include sculptures, blown glass, paintings, sketches and drawings, and photography. The exhibit will grace the second- and third-floor atria of the building through January 2016, while the first floor remains open for rotating exhibits.


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